Your Ho-Ho Hosts
Debbie Ellison, Lori Sugarman, and Harry Vardis |
Your Master of Ceremonies
Lee Griffin |
Speakers & Presenters for the 2014 Southern Fried Laughter Conference
- Joyce Rennolds, International Speaker, "Motivator of One or a Thousand"; Seminar, Class, and Workshop Leader - "The Magnificent You!"
- Dr. Madan Kataria, World-Renowned Indian Physician and Founder of Laughter Yoga (via Skype)
- Albert Nerenberg, Canadian Film Director ("Laughology") and Laughologist - "New Frontiers in Laughter" and "Hypnotic Laughter"
- Dr. Neil Shulman, the REAL Doc Hollywood (from the movie starring Michael J. Fox)
- Doug Collins, the man with the most contagious laugh in the world - "Laugh With the Laugh Man!"
- Tom Blue Wolf, Native American Spirit Guide - "Following the Moon: Reawakening Hearts to the Rhythms and Migrations That Were a Way of Life for the Native American People"
- Eric Spencer, Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness Georgia
- Julie Ostrow, 2013 American Laughing Champion; Certified Laughter Yoga Leader - "Let Your Laugh Out...Living Life With Gusto and Enthusiasm"
- Ricky Donato, Montreal Laughing Champion - "Why Laughter is So Important"
- Harry Vardis, Director, Center for Business Innovation, Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University - "Neurobics: Even Younger Brains Through Creative Thinking"
- Debbie Ellison, Director, Laughter for Wellness; Creator and Co-Facilitator of this Conference - "I Have a Beam"
- Dr. Michael Craig, Founder & CEO, Logical Soul; Author; Chiropractor; Life Coach - "How to Use Muscle Testing as a Direct Link to the Subconscious"
- Jeanie Ward, Inspirational Speaker; Author; Interfaith Minister; Wellness Coach - "Lightening Up: Learning to Laugh at Ourselves"
- Mike Noury, Founder/Director, Yoga of India - "Ayurvedic Made Simple: An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Better Health"
- Celeste Greene, Director, Laughter Yoga Atlanta - "Liberating Our Inner Child Through Playful Laughter"
- Neeta, David, & Bharat Sanders, Soul2Soul Educare; Spiritual Mentors and Coaches; Nutritionists - "Eating Your Way to Happiness"
- Cindy Miles, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, North Carolina - "The Next Evidence-Based Health Promotions Program"
- Anthony Hyatt, Violinist; Multimedia Performance Artist; Master Trainer, National Center for Creative Aging
- Joe Miguez, Creativity Consultant; Labyrinth Creator
- Robert Alan Black - "Your Life is Full of Stories"
- Dr. R.Bruce Baum, Professor Emeritus, Buffalo State College; Head Honcho,
- Charlene Coburn - "91 Years Old...and Still Flying High!"
- Shareen Richter, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, South Africa - "Delivering Happiness"
- Ursula Lentine, Center for Pranic Healing; Healer; New Thought Minister; Spiritual Adviser - "Cutting-Edge Energy Healing Technology of Pranic Healing"
- Kenya Phillips, Georgia Mental Health Advocate & Speaker - "In Your Own Voice"
- Terry Wynne, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader - "Where Is My Funny Bone?"